Microsoft team foundation server complete documentation
Microsoft team foundation server complete documentation

microsoft team foundation server complete documentation

“Microsoft is pleased to see TechExcel offer support for Visual Studio Team Foundation Server with its ALM solution.”


“Effectively managing requirements across a broad cross section of stakeholders is critical in the architecting and delivery of software solutions,” said Matt Nunn, group product manager for Visual Studio Team System, Microsoft Corp. This enables business and technical users that work in peripheral roles of distributed development teams using Team Foundation Server to actively participate in application lifecycle processes to ensure that business demands are aligned with the software that is delivered. Extending TechExcel’s ALM technology to Visual Studio Team Foundation Server empowers development teams to gather, track and manage requirements directly within their Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Team System environments.

microsoft team foundation server complete documentation

Using DevTrack’s powerful VersionLink software tool, the ALM solution now supports Team Foundation Server to provide customers with a simpler and easier way to define, automate, and customize Team Foundation Server Process Templates. Lafayette, Calif., November 5, 2007 -TechExcel, Inc., a leading provider of application lifecycle management (ALM) software, today announced at Microsoft TechEd Developer 2007 in Barcelona, Spain that that the company’s flagship DevTrack ALM software now fully supports the Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server.

Microsoft team foundation server complete documentation