Fortunately, it is quite easy:ġ) Download the Campaign folder from this link [2) Copy the content of downloaded folder ( H7CampaignHeroes.upk and H7CampaignHeroes_2.upk) to:
You have to change the predefined class data of the hero in map editor.
#Heroes of might and magic 3 tips how to#
When using classical skilling, how to change the skills my hero has access to? When using random skilling, my hero is still losing skills between campaign missions what to do? This change also provides you random skills in all multiplayer games. After that, the next level up will work ordinary. If the bug when you have empty list of available skills happens, open your skilwheel page and double click on a skill. It's, however, unsure how it will work due to these numbers dynamically changing. You can also try to change the numbers (mNumOfferAbilites/Skils = X) to change the amount of skills offered to your hero during leveling up. If you turn False to True you will enable skilling in all campaign maps. MMH7 > MMH7Game > Config >DefaultGame.txt (will open as notepad) How to enable new random skilling for campaigns? To do this, you need to select a tile on the combat map, by pressing down the left mouse button, then the arrows will indicate where your creature will face after moving. You can select a direction to where the creature will look when issuing a movement command. How to get improved flanking, where you can choose the orientation of units?
I will update this original post if any other tricks appear. It would be nice if it could be pinned in order to get to more people to read it. As these changes have not been officially highlighted and the majority of people probably don't know about them, I created this thread of useful new half-official ways how to get these improvements work.